Book4: Skipping Christmas

Book 4: Skipping Christmas

Author : John Grisham

Genre:  Fiction

Tone:   Comedy

Published: 2001

Why I chose this book: Its year 2001. Frankly speaking none of the books in the list appealed to me nor did they create a nostalgia or memory. I was pretty disappointed with myself. An interesting factor though was the number of motivational books by successful businessmen in that list. Looking back, I realized that it was year after Y2K. Businesses were booming and IT companies flourishing, I myself being a byproduct of such a boom. Anyways , my eyes flickered upon this book by Grisham at No.7 and my initial reaction was to dismiss it. I expected it to be another legal thriller from Grisham's stable, the likes of Pelican Brief. I must admit I am not a big fan of that genre and the only reason I watched the movie was for Julia Roberts(Eternal Fan). For lack of choice I read the prelude to the book and was intrigued about the context. On a hunch , I bought the book.

My Take:

Skipping Christmas is not a legal thriller. Thank God for that. But neither is it a roller coaster ride. Its a passable, laughable book about a couple, two perfectly sane adults who after packing off their only 25 year old daughter to Peru, decide to skip Christmas. They decide to go on a cruise. So whats the big deal? Nothing actually! But the book makes it seem there could not be a worst crime. The hue and cry, chaos and calamities which follow is difficult to comprehend. For a large part of the book , I imagined it to be a satire, the perceptions of the neighbors, the negative vibes from the protagonist's colleagues (just because he wont be around for a party) seemed like a social 'white' commentary. Was it really a satire hidden in a comedy?  The guilt trip that the couple take seems believable in parts, but somehow I could not digest the fact that every other person in their town is bothered about it. What happened to 'minding my own business'? Being festive and being forced to join the festivities are two different things.  The climax seems fit for a movie. ( I am to believe there is one) and whats worse is that it is politically correct. Had it been otherwise I would have had a better opinion. Of course a few chuckles down the road do not hurt you but I expected better!

"And then I played out the scene in India. What if I suddenly decide not to celebrate Diwali and decide to go on trek or a holiday that I have been craving for and more importantly what if I decide to do it alone? Now if you say 'No repercussions'......Whom are you kidding?"


  1. I have always thought to skip Dussehra, from keeping dolls and going on a holiday when major places will have a great weather. Not been able to even once till now, with all kinds of comments including God in it. Not sure as yet if to believe or not to!!!


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